Archive for November, 2017

Siemens data breach helps spur FBI probe; feds in Pittsburgh charge 3 Chinese citizens

From: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Torsten Ove

Three Chinese citizens who controlled a purported cybersecurity company in China have been charged in Pittsburgh with using malware to steal data from three international corporations, including Siemens AG, which has Pittsburgh offices.

A federal indictment filed in September and unsealed Monday names Wu Yingzhuo, Dong Hao and Xia Lei as defendants.

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Germany Says Smartwatches Spy On Children, Bans Them

From: Reuters

BERLIN, Nov 17 (Reuters) – Germany’s telecoms regulator said on Friday it was banning the sale of “smart watches” that can be used by parents to check on their children, saying the devices violated Germany’s strict surveillance laws.

The Federal Network Agency said it had already taken action against several firms that sell the watches online but did not name them.

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Australian Government reveals draft digital identity framework

From: ZDNet

A series of documents outlining the security and usability standards by which Australians’ digital identity information is to be collected, stored, and used has been released by the government.


The Australian government has unveiled the public draft of its Trusted Digital Identity Framework for how citizens’ digital identity information must be managed, which it said would sit alongside its Govpass digital platform.

The 14 draft documents include the Trust Framework Structure and Overview; Trust Framework Accreditation Process; Privacy Assessment; Core Privacy Requirements; Core Protective Security Requirements; Core User Experience Requirements; Core Risk Management Requirements; Core Fraud Control Requirements; Digital Identity Proofing Standard; Digital Authentication Credential Standard; Information Security Documentation Guide; and Risk Management Guide.

Bahrain to host first regulatory tech summit

From: Trade Arabia

The World Arena Group, a leading conference organizer with offices in the UAE, the UK and the US, will host RegTech Mena, the first regulatory technology summit in Bahrain on November 21 and 22.

As an expanding segment of the broader FinTech universe, regulatory technology, or RegTech, intersects regulation with innovation and is set to revolutionize the financial services industry in 2017.

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How Better Social Practices Can Improve Your Cyber Resiliency

Editor’s Note: See, What will you do when the cyber-levee breaks?

From: Via Sattelite



According to Turgal, part of being prepared is establishing a resiliency and recovery plan for the day an attack inevitably occurs, which includes having the right communications channels in place to work alongside the FBI. “When the FBI comes and knocks on your door … you need to have that plan in place,” Turgal said. “The sooner we get there, the sooner we can stop the bleeding.”

“The time to exchange business cards is not during a crisis. You need to plan ahead before that day,” Touhill added.