Archive for September, 2018

The Brazilian Data Protection Legal Framework

From: Mondaq

Article by Simone Lahorgue Nunes, Daniel Tardelli Pessoa, Allan Nascimento Turano, Júlio César Ferro and Rodrigo Dias | Levy & Salomao Advogados


On August 14, 2018, Law No. 13,709 (LGPD – Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados) was enacted, creating a personal data protection legal framework in Brazil. The LGPD is influenced by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR); individuals, private entities and public authorities are affected by its provisions.

Whacking the mole: how Australia scrambles to regulate Chinese technology

From: The Conversation

, Research Fellow, UNSW

Did you ever go to your local show as a child? Remember that infuriating game where to win you had to hit every mole which popped its head out of a hole? I imagine Australia’s government feels like it’s playing whack-a-mole in regulating Chinese information and communications technology right now.

A clearer policy on regulating information and communications technology in the context of national security threats may help. Though in this version of the game, the stakes are rather higher than cheap toys at the local show.

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Chinese regulators urge further security efforts to safeguard network


China Daily Editor: Li Yan

China needs to ramp up efforts to further promote the construction of its cybersecurity system and safeguard the country’s network security, said senior industry regulators.

More efforts should be made to increase investment in core network security technology research and development, make breakthroughs in key technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence, build an industrial internet security system, actively develop the cybersecurity industry, and build a cybersecurity technology management system covering telecommunications, the internet, and the industrial internet, according to Liang Bin, deputy director of the network security administration of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

UK immigration and the national cyber security strategy

From: ITProPortal


Skilled workers from diverse backgrounds are in great need if the UK aims to be a world leader in cyber security.

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (“DCMS”) is consulting on a national cyber security strategy to make the UK a world leader in cyber security. The strategy, which comes on the back of a notable increase in cyber-attacks in recent years (including the traumatic WannaCry attacks which affected 48 NHS trusts and countless other organisations) will see the government plough £1.9 billion into UK cyber security from 2016 to 2021. At the core of the policy is the belief that the cyber security space should have strong leadership, centralised and clear qualifications, and diversity.