From E-Gov Monitor

Federal agencies have been provided with a detailed map of how they should conduct the security review of classified information.  The initial order to asses handling of classified information was issued by the OMB in the President’s office in November last year following the Wikileaks revelations.

Now, that order has been followed up with more than 100 questions that agencies need to address including the decision making process that determines who gets access to classified material in automated systems. The questionnaire also asks if agencies have adequate measures against “insider threat”.  

The agencies are required to identify and come up with a plan to overcome weakenesses in the classified information handling system.  The new set of guidelines published on the OMB’s website also directs the Director of the Information Security Oversight office (ISSO) and the National Counterintelligence Executive to evaluate these assessments which are required to be completed by 28, January 2011.

Editor’s Note: The documents discussed above may be found at