From: The Japan Times

(Kyodo) –Fresh off attacks in Japan purportedly by the hacker group Anonymous, a government council came up Wednesday with policy for the coming year to protect critical infrastructure from computer-based incursions, featuring coordinated measures with the private sector.


The Information Security Policy Council set out exercises to be held jointly with operators of nuclear plants and other infrastructure, including gas distribution networks and telecommunication lines, government sources said.

A facility will be set up by March for conducting large-scale attack drills, they said.

The council will urge firms with access to classified information, such as defense contractors, to strengthen efforts to safeguard against Internet attacks and share information with the government.

In its meeting Wednesday, the council also discussed the government’s initial response to such attacks, measures to protect smartphones from viruses and prospects for Japan’s participation in establishing international rules on information security, the sources said.

The recent attacks believed carried out by Anonymous targeted systems of government offices and political parties.