From: EastWest Institute

Dear Colleague,

The EastWest Institute and its Indian partners, the National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM) and the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) are pleased to invite you to the EastWest Institute’s 3rd Worldwide Cybersecurity Summit: The Next Billion Netizens Safely Connect. The Summit is taking place in New Delhi, October 30-31, 2012 at the Taj Palace Hotel and will build on the successful Dallas (2010) and London (2011) Summits. This unique event will bring together a diverse group of stakeholders to catalyze progress on international cybersecurity cooperation.

The format of the Summit will integrate breakthrough groups, in which participants can expect to be immersed in interactive sessions with professional peers from around the world and to address high consequence issues where international policy is stalled. The success of the Summit will be measured by the policy breakthroughs made in the interactive working sessions, both during the meeting and in the follow-up activities. There is also an opportunity to submit a paper on international cybersecurity policy for peer review by the Summit’s co-sponsor, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). In addition, the Financial Times, Technology Review (published by MIT) and MINT serve as media partners for EWI’s cybersecurity initiative.

The Summit will highlight key areas where breakthroughs are being realized through the implementation of policy recommendations, such as for the reliability of global undersea communications cable infrastructure (GUCCI), ‘rules of the road’ for cyber conflict, and international cooperation for fighting spam and botnets. Other areas will feature newly introduced policy innovations for priority international communications, financial sector preparedness for an international crisis in cyberspace, and measuring the cybersecurity problem. In addition, some newer focus areas will include international aspects of the tension between privacy and government monitoring interests, the integrity of international ICT development supply chains, and the role of multinational companies with quasi-nation-state power – especially for those providing globally distributed processing and data storage.

Minister Kapil Sibal is chairing an India Committee of prominent public and private sector leaders, who are participating in the Summit, as well as in the yearlong process leading up to the event.

EWI’s Worldwide Cybersecurity Initiative was established in 2009 to break the international deadlock surrounding cybersecurity challenges. Aligned with the tradition of the EastWest Institute as a strategic convener, the Summit will provide you with a unique opportunity to participate in off-the-record discussions with influential members of the public and private sectors, and from the leading cyber nations of the world.

To learn more and to register, please visit us at

We look forward to hearing from you and hope you can join us in New Delhi!

Yours sincerely,

Karl Rauscher
Chief Technology Officer and Distinguished Fellow
EastWest Institute