From: South Florida Business Journal

by Kevin Gale, Editor in Chief

U.S. Bancorp is the latest major bank this week to face a cyber attack on its website, the Minneapolis St. Paul Business Journal is reporting.

Wells Fargo (NYSE: WFC), Bank of America (NYSE: BA) and J.P. Morgan Chase (NYSE: JPM) have already faced what is called denial of service attacks that is linked to a group called “the cyber fighters of Izz addin Al qassam.

All of those banks have a major presence in South Florida, but U.S. Bank apparently just has a trust office in Palm Beach, we previously reported.

PNC Bank (NYSE: PNC) will reportedly be the next subject of an attack, on Thursday. The attacks basically flood websites with high volumes of action in an attempt to slow them down.

There’s no indication that data or customer funds are at risk, but users may experience delays.