From: The Diplomat

Is the the long-time threat of APTs to Taiwan a blessing in disguise?

By Philip Hsu


Given overlapping strategic objectives, the United States remains Taiwan’s main security partner. Some U.S. Federal agencies and corporations recognize Taiwan’s unique position in China’s cyber operations. The U.S. Department of Commerce led a trade mission of 20 U.S. companies to Taiwan last June, and American firms have been actively acquiring Taiwanese cybersecurity companies. Intelligence cooperation related to cybersecurity undoubtedly already takes place between Taiwan and the United States, given the presence of the NSA, and possibly the CIA, on the island.

But U.S.-Taiwan cooperation could also encompass contingency planning for People’s Liberation Army cyber operations against Taiwanese military and civilian infrastructure in the event of or as a prelude to cross-strait conflict, including those against American forces. In this regard, Taiwan’s status as the “island of APT” may truly become an asset to American strategic planning in the region.

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