From: The Wall Street Journal | The Morning Download

By Steve Rosenbush

Good morning, CIOs. Retired Air Force General Michael Hayden, a former director of the NSA and CIA, says the development of hyper-powerful quantum computing technology will remake the dynamic of cyber warfare. For companies that daily face attacks by nation-state actors, that is a sobering message. He sat down with Jennifer Strong of WSJ Podcasts to talk about the future of cyber warfare (more on that below), and likened quantum to previous revolutions in battlefield technology. Highlights:


More from Mr. Hayden: Don’t forget the humans.  Emerging technologies such as quantum computing are expected to have a sizeable impact on the digital battlefield, but not every weapon in the cyber defense arsenal is tech-based. “We can’t let data crowd out wisdom,” says Mr. Hayden. “And so when I talk to people in the intelligence community who are going all out for big data and AI and algorithms I say, ‘you really do need somebody in there somewhere who understands Lebanese history, or the history of Islam.’ Put all the silicon you want into this process but remember it’s all designed to support the carbon-based machine at the end of the process.”

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