From: Politico | Morning Cybersecurity


With help from Eric Geller and Martin Matishak

REWRITING THE RULES — The U.S. is ceding ground in the race to shape global standards and laws around cybersecurity, according to Eric’s new story for Pros. While Congress and multiple presidents have spent years supporting the tech industry’s aversion to new regulations, the EU and China have forged ahead with laws that are setting the tone for digital security and privacy regulations. The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation has set privacy standards that companies like Facebook and Google must follow. And China has been even more aggressive, enacting a cyber law with strict security controls on tech companies and spreading its heavy-handed model throughout the developing world. And while the global tech industry is adapting to these new realities, no one in the Trump administration has devised a clear plan to rebut either of these agendas.

“The United States is failing on cybersecurity because our Congress has been captured by corporations who have successfully killed any effort to impose meaningful cyber standards,” Sen. Ron Wyden, a leading congressional voice on cyber issues, told Eric in an email. “Until lawmakers decide to put consumers ahead of corporations, Americans will continue to face more cyber threats, with less recourse, than people elsewhere in the world.” If Beijing or Brussels dominated this space, experts said, that could slow the internet’s growth, reduce innovation and produce new market barriers for American businesses. “Other countries are doing things legislatively that affect the U.S., and the U.S. is on the back foot,” said Christopher Painter, who was America’s top cyber diplomat from 2011 to 2017.

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