From: ZDNet

Summary: Businesses are constantly targets of cyberattacks so the two governments need to work together to solve online security issues, says U.S.-China Business Council.

By Liau Yun Qing

A U.S. trade group urges the United States and Chinese governments to work together on cybersecurity issues, as businesses are frequently being targeted by online attacks.

A Reuters report Monday cited John Frisbie, president of the U.S.-China Business Council, who said: “We would simply say it’s time for the governments to work on it. We do know that companies are constant targets of [hackers’] efforts to get into their systems globally.”

“What we’re saying is it is becoming a concern, a serious concern. We’d like to see the two governments try to work on it together and see if it can be addressed regardless of the source and we would encourage them to do so…this year,” added Frisbie, who hoped the two governments will hold a regular annual summit between the leaders.

The U.S.-China Business Council is a non-profit organization that comprises of about 240 U.S. companies which have businesses in China. Member companies include Microsoft, Apple and Motorola Solutions.

Getting both parties at the same discussion table might prove difficult in light of recent events though. Last week, the Chinese government was accused of launching cyberattacks on U.S. corporations. The latest one involves The New York Times, which said its networks were “persistently attacked” by Chinese hackers who have infiltrated computer systems and acquired passwords for its reporters and other employees.