From: NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence

Registration has opened for the annual International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CyCon) held in Tallinn, Estonia from 4 to 7 June 2013. This year the conference focuses on the technical, strategic and legal implications of using automatic methods to manage cyber conflicts. Early Bird rate of 500 euros is available until 1 April, after that date the conference fee will raise to 595 euros. A special governmental rate of 245 Euro is also available.

The conference is organised in two parallel tracks with one concentrating on the technical and the other on the strategic aspects of the central topic. In addition to the main programme which runs from 5-7 June, a set of workshops is offered to the participants on 4 June.

Presentations in the Technical Track will be about different perspectives of automation within the scope of tactical, operational and strategic procedures in cyber conflicts, cyber conflict models, reasoning and attribution in cyber conflict, and impact assessment. Additionally other related cyber topics, case studies and best practice reports will be given by representatives from governmental institutions, industry and academia. All presentations will be subject to further discussion in panel sessions moderated by recognised experts in these fields.

The Strategy Track will focus on policy, strategic, legal and ethical aspects of the use of automatic methods in cyber conflict. Presentations will cover the NATO, governmental, military and industry perspective. The presentations on legal aspects will highlight the legal benefits and risks of employing automatic defence or attack systems. In the part on ethics, speakers will elaborate on the possible consequences of the lack of human involvement in the use of automatic methods and will make proposals to mitigate risks.

Confirmed speakers include:

Air Commodore (ret) Bill Boothby, Colonel Hans Folmer (Commander Task Force Cyber), Dr Sandro Gaycken (Cybersecurity Policy Strategist, Federal Foreign Office of Germany), Prof. Dr Marco Gercke (Cybercrime Re-search Institute GmbH), Dr Rain Ottis (Assistant Professor of Cyber Security, Tallinn University of Technology), John Sullins (Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Sonoma State University), Dr Jens Tölle (Head of Fraunhofer FKIE Cyber Defence Research Department), Shannon Vallor (Associate Professor of Philosophy, Santa Clara University), Ian West (NCIRC)

CyCon 2013 is organised by the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence with support from IEEE and Cisco.

NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence is an International Military Organisation located in Tallinn, Estonia. Its mission is to enhance the capability, cooperation and information sharing among NATO, its member nations and partners in cyber defence by virtue of education, research and development, lessons learned and consultation.

Additional information can be obtained from logistics.cycon – at –