
New Delhi – India, March 21st, 2012 – With hackers from China, Pakistan and now Bangladesh allegedly involved in 9 out of total 10 cross border cyber attacks against India, cyber security experts from India expressed a need to discuss the emerging cyber security threats on an international platform. A global society of cyber security experts having a member base of around 10,000 cyber security professionals in India alone, OWASP (Open Web Project), today announced its next cyber security conference in New Delhi, India on 24th August 2012. OWASP has already organized two subsequent cyber security conferences in India and received an encouraging response from corporate, government departments, defense and security establishments.

“Our aim is to bring cyber security experts and leaders from across the world on a common platform to share strategic, tactical and technical intelligence on the rising international cyber threats”, said Mr. Dhruv Soi, Chairperson at OWASP India.

It is notable that previous conference from OWASP in New Delhi was inaugurated by Howard Schmidt, Cyber Security Strategist at Whitehouse, John Bumgarner, Former Cyber Security Expert from CIA and Vice Admiral Shekhar Sinha from Ministry of Defense.

India is in urgent need to upgrade its cyber security programs and keep an edge over its neighbours to foil any near future cyber attacks against its critical infrastructure. Participation from NTRO, CBI, CIRTs, CERTs, defense establishments, government departments and more than 200 corporate in the past OWASP conference showcase that India will soon be prepared to handle any cyber warfare like situations.

“Such conferences are helpful for officials from governments to know how other governments across the world are managing their cyber security programs. Professionals leverage such platform to identify potential business risks and emerging technologies to counter cyber threats to their mission critical data. Also offers an excellent platform for technology companies to showcase their products and services.”, says Mr. Pawan Kumar Singh, Chief Officer (CISO) at Tulip Telecom.

OWASP InfoSec Conference India 2012 is scheduled for August 24th, 2012 at Hotel Crowne Plaza Today, Gurgaon, New Delhi (NCR), India. Conference is followed by a one day training program on advanced cyber security areas. More details about the event can be found at official event website of OWASP India.

About Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)

OWASP is a global open source application security project composed of corporations, educational organizations, and individuals from around the world. OWASP has quickly become the de facto standards body for web application security by providing free, vendor-neutral, practical, cost-effective application security guidelines. OWASP has over 200 local chapters globally with presence in almost every important country.