
A new survey has shown a significantly higher level of trust in government to handle the public’s digital identity data – which is part of the planned UK Online Identity Scheme.

The figures show that a high level of support is present for the scheme – 91% support it. However, only 9% would put their trust in private companies to manage identity credentials.

This is in contrast to the 61% that said they’d trust the government to handle their data.

“As the national digital identity scheme continues to progress, the government needs to take note of consumer opinions. The findings suggest that the Government should look more closely at the Identity Assurance model and take note of consumer preferences for a Government owned authentication provider, potentially the Passport Service” says Neil Fisher, VP Global Security Solutions, Unisys, which conducted the survey.

The report also showed the biggest swing in consumer security confidence since the annual survey began in 2007.

“While we regularly see reports of phishing, Trojan virus or spam attacks in the media, it’s important to note that by taking certain precautions – including those recommended by the Government’s Office for Cyber Security and Information Assurance – the general public can reduce their online vulnerability,” adds Fisher.