From: Sydney Morning Herald

By Jodie Sangster

Is more government red tape in the form of mandatory data breach reporting the fix for privacy protection? Jodie Sangster replies to Federal Attorney-General Mark Dreyfuss.

No one disputes that data privacy breaches pose a serious threat to cyber safety – least of all businesses who are often the victims. But is more government red tape in the form of mandatory data breach reporting really the fix?

The Federal Government wants businesses to report in to the Privacy Commissioner every time they experience a ‘serious’ data privacy breach. But how serious is ‘serious’? They don’t tell us. Instead, they say: “Report your breaches, and we will tell you if they are serious or not”

When the Attorney General Mark Dreyfus spoke at a privacy conference in Sydney recently, he cited a report from McAfee claiming 21 per cent of Australian businesses had suffered data breaches. Well let’s see: in 2012 there were 2,141,280 businesses trading in Australia. That means the Privacy Commissioner can expect to be investigating 449,669 potential data privacy breaches once mandatory positive reporting takes effect. Good luck to him.

Under the new Privacy Laws, the Commissioner has powers to seek civil fines of up to $220,000 for individuals and $1.1 million for businesses for every breach. At that level, data breaches stand to be a nice little earner for the Government.

The absence of a clear definition of ‘serious harm’ in the legislation will likely cause organisations to adopt the most risk-averse internal policy setting. This, in turn, will lead to the over-reporting of relatively minor data errors, as compliance managers act to protect their organisation from prosecution.

It will also tend to penalise those with the most sophisticated data management systems, since they are the ones more likely to pick up on data errors. Small to medium businesses will likely take a “see no evil, hear no evil” approach; they will put off investments in data-driven technology for fear it will come back to bite them.

This Luddite thinking is an innovation killer and the extra compliance red tape will strangle technology-dependent organisations throughout the economy. Instead of making us “safer” it will only harm Australia’s competitiveness.

The costs will fall relatively more heavily on smaller entities – the innovators of the Australian digital economy – who don’t have sufficient internal resources dedicated to compliance. They will find themselves spending more time managing the reporting process and less on managing the right outcome for customers.

Mandatory reporting was the brainchild of the Australian Law Reform Commission, a group of lawyers that looked at our privacy laws a couple of years ago and made a series of recommendations. They are probably as surprised as anyone that this one got up. The legislation was rushed through Parliament in a few short days in June, as the sitting drew to a close. It only narrowly missed being passed into law in the chaos of the Labour leadership change. The Government remains committed to passing it at the first opportunity.

But there was no proper consultation with affected businesses over the impacts. The Senate Committee that considered the bill spent all of 20 minutes on it.

This is ill-considered law. It comes at a time when businesses large and small are already grappling with the most extensive changes to privacy legislation seen in the last 12 years.

And it’s not necessary. There is already a clear and comprehensive Guideline from the Privacy Commissioner on data breach notification. Yes, a small number of serious breaches have been exposed in recent years, but that just proves the current system works. There is no evidence of wide-spread, systemic failure to justify the new hard-line regime.

Regulatory compliance systems across all business are normally set to react to evidence of error, usually triggered through complaints or internal audit. The new mandatory reporting regime will force organisations to move from a ‘reactive’ to a ‘proactive’ default setting. They will need to divert significant IT and legal compliance resources to the task of searching out and reporting data errors that may or may not indicate ‘serious’ breach.

This isn’t necessary. Let business get to grips with the new Privacy Act because that’s already complex enough. Let’s get that right and then look at what more needs to be done.

What’s the big rush? Mandatory data breach reporting will have negative economic consequences for the country at a time when the Government should be looking to support business and boost productivity. It is administrative overload, and ultimately these costs get passed through the supply chain in higher prices to consumers and loss of competitiveness for Australian companies.

Jodie Sangster is chief executive of the Australian Direct Marketing Association (ADMA), the principal industry body for marketing and advertising in Australia.

This piece was written in reply to Federal Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus’ opinion articlepublished in early July.