From: The Lithuanian Tribune

Lithuanian Minister of the Interior Dailis Alfonsas Barakauskas has set up an inter-institutional working group for the management of consequences of potential cyber security attacks.

“By setting up this group, we want to ensure maximum information security for the process of the Lithuanian presidency of the EU Council and events. In case of a cyber attack, the group will have to take swift actions to control the crisis,” Barakauskas was quoted as saying in a statement by the Ministry of the Interior on Tuesday.

The group will include representatives of the Ministries of the Interior and National Defense, the Information Technology and Communications Department under the Ministry of the Interior, the Communications Regulatory Authority, the Lithuanian Criminal Police Bureau, information technology and TV group TEO LT and several other services.

Gintaras Ciurlionis, director of the Information Technology and Communications Department, has been appointed to lead the group.

The group will be expected to submit proposals and recommendations to the Minister of the Interior and other state institutions on quick response to incidents as well as be in charge of informing the public of incidents, the management and eliminations of their consequences.