From: Business Times

Supposed Anonymous member warns govt to reconsider website licensing rules

By malminderjit singh

[SINGAPORE] The Singapore government received a threat yesterday via a YouTube video put up by someone claiming to be part of the international hacker group Anonymous, warning that it will bring down key infrastructure in Singapore in a show of protest against the state’s new licensing rules imposed on websites here.

The video shows the image of an individual in a Guy Fawkes mask saying: “No government has the right to deprive their citizens the freedom of information. We demand you reconsider the regulations of your framework or we will be forced to go to war with you.”

“Every time you deprive a citizen his right to information, we will cause you financial loss by aggressive cyber intrusion,” said the encrypted male voice.

The video, posted on Tuesday, warns the government not to ignore the threats, or it would be like “dipping yourselves in a pool of piranhas”.

The masked-individual in the three-minute 40-second video also made reference to one of his “comrades”, known as “The Messiah”, who recently hacked into the Ang Mo Kio Town Council website as well as the PAP Community Foundation website.

“(The Messiah) demonstrated what a single Anon could do to your so-called technologically advanced island,” the video said.

Besides protesting Singapore’s new online media laws, the individual in the video also mocked Singapore’s cyber-security and warned the government to “stop feigning ignorance and serve the people”.

“Have you forgotten who you work for?” the individual asked. He added that Singapore’s $130 million cyber-security defence and the Infocomm Development Authority (IDA) would not be able to thwart its attacks.

It also urged Singaporeans to join the protest by dressing in black and red on Nov 5 and to black out their Facebook profile pictures for a day.

The video ended with a grim and famous line from Guy Fawkes, who threatened to blow up the parliament building in England on Nov 5, 1605: “Remember, remember. The fifth of November.”

News reports yesterday quote an official from the IDA as saying that they are aware of the video and that the police is investigating the matter. Although the original video was taken off YouTube yesterday evening, copies have been circulating online since.