
Warwick Ashford

Businesses should note that many UK mobile users do not take security precautions and do not know how to guard against data theft, says a report by security firm Trend Micro.

A survey of 2,500 UK mobile users found that 27% have lost up to three company devices and 52% regularly carry a mobile device containing sensitive work data, putting their employers and customers at risk of fraud.

The survey revealed that 61% who use their devices for work do not use password protection, 20% use their personal smartphones for business, and 63% use the same or similar passwords for all accounts.

Nearly a third said they regularly use Wi-Fi hotspots, but 56% do not check security before connecting to them, with 22% accessing work emails and 10% accessing confidential documents in public places.

The survey highlights a culture of carelessness among the UK population in their attitude to corporate data and mobile devices used for work purposes, the report said.

The survey revealed that 44% of respondents were more concerned about losing personal content such as photos and banking details than about enabling cyber criminals to access sensitive business data.

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