CRE has been following the problems with and has made several suggestions for enhancing the website, these comments are available on eRulemaking.US.

Unfortunately, CRE has not had success with reforming and enhancing  However, we are pleased that Splunk, a leader in operational intelligence software, through their Splunk4Good initiative has undertaken a public service project to bring’s potential to fruition.  As Splunk explains:

The Splunk4Good team is analyzing’s large and complex data and creating a new, public interface that enables users to explore the federal regulatory data through real-time dashboards and visualizations. The end result will make millions of regulatory documents more accessible, searchable and usable to the general public

CRE, through its Regulatory Cyber Security/FISMA Focus website has reported for years on Splunk’s work in advancing the state of the art in FISMA continuous monitoring.

CRE applauds Splunk’s initiative and encourages the company to examine two enhancements to

  1. Provide  a shadow copy of to ensure easy public access to Splunk’s tools for analyzing the regulatory database which would also serve as a backup for when is down,  and
  2. Providing the public with an interactive capability to provide comment on the materials, as is done with CRE’s Interactive Public Dockets (IPDs).

Splunk’s investment in supporting indicates that its meteoric rise will continue.