From: Channelnomics


Splunk security

The Big Data brains at Splunk Inc. continue to fine tune the security chops in their business intelligence platform, this week rolling out an updated app with better threat detection capabilities.

Improving the ability to, as Splunk puts it, “stalk the cyberattackers,” the updated Splunk App for Enterprise Security 3.0 combines with the latest Splunk Enterprise platform to form a real-time, scalable security intelligence platform with advanced security analytics that promises advanced threat detection and a significant reduction in the time to incident discovery and response.

The enhancements play to Splunk’s strengths in collecting large amounts of unstructured data from diverse sources, correlating that information with other business data sets, and analyzing the results for patterns and context. New features include a new threat intelligence framework, support for new data types, data models and pivot interface promise new visualization capabilities and a reduction in the time it takes to discover and respond to security threats.

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