From: NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence

With less than three months remaining to the start of the annual CyCon conference in Tallinn, Estonia, the agenda for the event was published today. The extensive programme runs over four days and includes practical workshops, networking events and of course high level talks on active cyber defence. CyCon takes place 3-6 June and the registration to the conference will open next week. The agenda can be accessed via

CyCon 2014 will focus on ‘Active Cyber Defence’ and, as has been the standard for CyCon events so far, the talks will vary from the technical talks to legal, strategic and policy talks with many panel discussions and Q&A sessions in between. The conference opening keynote will be delivered by H. E. Toomas Hendrik Ilves, President of the Republic of Estonia who will be followed by a Senior UK Defence Minister and Jamie Shea, NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges.

Among the confirmed speakers are Dimitri Alperovich (CrowdStrike), Prof. Dr Gabi Dreo (CODE), Prof. Dr Terry D. Gill (University of Amsterdam & Netherlands Defence Academy), Irving Lachow (MITRE Corporation), Latif Ladid (IPv6 Forum),  Prof. Dr Peter Martini (Fraunhofer FKIE),  Ellen Nakashima (Washington Post), Prof. Michael N. Schmitt (US Naval War College & Exeter University) and many more.

The pre-CyCon workshop day on 3 June will have four workshops to choose from – Responsive Cyber Defence Workshop, Cyber Exercise design Workshop, Cyber Norms Development Workshop and Cyber Ranges Workshop. More information about the workshops will be published soon on the CyCon website.

CyCon 2014 is supported by IEEE, Microsoft, Stonesoft, Verint and Ixia.

NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence is an International Military Organisation located in Tallinn, Estonia. It is not an operational centre and does not fall within the NATO command structure; it is guided and financed by the nations participating in its work. Centre’s mission is to enhance the capability, cooperation and information sharing among NATO, its member nations and partners in cyber defence by virtue of education, research and development, lessons learned and consultation.