From: China Daily/Op-ed

By Wu Yixue

A female suspect named Gao Yu was detained for leaking “state secrets” to foreign contacts, said Beijing police on Thursday. Gao, 70, a Beijing resident and a former journalist, was suspected of illegally obtaining a highly confidential document of the Chinese central government and sending it to an overseas website in June last year, which later became widely circulated on foreign websites.

This is the third case reported this week on overseas espionage, which highlights the grave challenge to national security. It’s high time the related authorities tightened regulations on classified documents and raised people’s awareness of protecting state secrets.

Early this week, the existence of an Internet-based espionage ring in Guangdong province has once again underscored the need to safeguard military secrets in the Internet era. The spy network came to light when provincial security agency discovered that a foreign intelligence agency was using the Internet to “recruit” Chinese nationals to steal China’s military secrets.

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