From: Haaretz

The Shin Bet says it thwarted a foray against both government and nongovernment websites.

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Cyber attacks on Israeli Internet infrastructure and websites continued on Sunday, the 20th day of the Gaza offensive, but the Shin Bet security service said it had thwarted a major attack.

“In recent hours Israeli Internet service providers have been dealing with a massive DDoS [distributed denial-of-service] cyber attack,” wrote Gabi Cohen, the deputy head of the Finance Ministry department responsible for government websites. As a result, disruptions are possible on the Internet, Cohen said in an email to undisclosed recipients obtained by Haaretz.

DDoS attacks are considered relatively simple, though very effective, in keeping users from receiving service — though they rarely do more damage than that. Still, there are many ways to carry out such attacks. In recent years, attacks on Israeli sites have increased, though there has also been a rise in traffic to those sites.

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