From: Toronto Sun

David B. Harris

Sex-and-spying award winner?

China’s nominee is surely Katrina Leung, codenamed Parlour Maid. She’d pocketed $1.7 million in FBI money to spy on China by the time Washington figured out she was moonlighting as a double agent for Beijing – while bedding two senior FBI counterintelligence officers, in the process.

Now, that’s dexterity.


Chinese citizen Su first graced our shores in 2002. The aerospace engineer owns PRC-based Lode-Tech, an aviation-technology company. Feds call him the “directing mind” of a cyberspy ring targeting U.S. defence contractors, including Boeing. Nothing has been proved, but a Canadian judge ordered Su held, pending proceedings aimed at sending him to the United States for quality time with American prosecutors.

These cases raise big questions.

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