From: Gulf Daily News

 By Ahmed Al Omari

BAHRAIN needs to establish a unified body to regulate cyber security in different sectors, including telecommunication and banking, according to a report.

Consultancy firm Strategy& in co-operation with the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) yesterday released a report titled Rethinking ICT (Information and Communications Technology) Regulation: Regulators’ essential role in capturing the full potential of the ICT sector.

The 24-page document details the current global trends in telecommunication regulation, comparing Bahrain with the UK, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Singapore.

The report states that Bahrain needs to improve in several areas, including security, developing the regulatory framework and easing restrictions on trade among telecom firms, despite it being one of the leading ICT economies in the Middle East and North Africa (Mena) region and ranked among the top 30 nations in the world.

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