From: Government Technology


As cyber leaders from across federal, state, local and tribal governments prepare to gather for another annual meeting, the future of government cybersecurity in our local communities now hangs in the balance. The scale of cyberattacks, the cost of data breaches and the significant ramifications to our nation have never been greater. Cyber challenges have almost reached a boiling point. Meanwhile, the Multi-State Information Sharing & Analysis Center (MS-ISAC) has grown in their global capabilities and cyberdefense sophistication. World-class information security coordination is now available. How can your government become more engaged?

America’s state and local government cybersecurity leaders are preparing to gather in Nashville, Tennessee, in early October for the first MS-ISAC Annual Meeting in more than two years. (Note: Last year’s meeting was canceled due to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) budget issues with sequestration.)

There is plenty to discuss and act upon.

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