From: Gulf Times

The governments of Qatar and the  United Kingdom signed  a Memorandum of Understanding on security  co-operation following several high-level meetings between HH the Emir  Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani and senior British government officials  here yesterday.

The Emir held separate meetings in the  morning with British Home Secretary Theresa May, Defence Secretary  Michael Fallon and British Labour Party leader Ed Miliband.

Later in the day, the Emir met the Mayor of  London Boris Johnson and UK Commercial Secretary to the Treasury Lord  Paul Clive Deighton at the Olympic Village.


Qatar is on a list of countries described as a “priority market” for UK arms sales, ministers have told parliament.

The British sales team at the Doha exhibition   was led by Richard Paniguian, head of UK Trade and Investment Defence and Security Organisation. He was reported by Gulf Times as  saying: “Qatar is an important partner and we are continuing to deepen  and strengthen our security relationships including the cyber sector.”

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