From: Trade Arabia

RIYADH, If 2014 was the “year of the breach,” then what future cyber security threats await us?  What’s the next mode of attack, and how much worse will it be?  Booz Allen Hamilton, a leading provider of management consulting, technology, and engineering services, examines the top cyber trends for 2015 impacting financial services in Mena.

Today, cyber security is a priority issue for every stakeholder in the financial services industry – investor, consumer, regulatory, employees – all the way up to boards of directors.  That makes the “tomorrow” question – how will the threat evolve? – all the more important. In the aftermath of the Arab Spring, the provision of strong and secure financial services for businesses and consumers is necessary to the nurture of political and social security to Middle East residents.

A solid financial services industry is one of the keys to attracting foreign direct investment to the region, but also to supporting the region’s pockets of new-found confidence and economic growth. That industry is under significant cyber threat, however, according to trends reported by Booz Allen Hamilton.

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