From: The Times of India

Jayadevan PK & Neha Alawadhi, ET Bureau

NEW DELHI/BENGALURU: India’s cybersecurity budget was more than doubled last year. Yet, it is “woefully inadequate” in the wake of revelations made by US National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden and increasing
cyberattacks on government infrastructure, according to experts.

In 2014-15, the Department of IT has set aside Rs 116 crore for cybersecurity. The country has proposed to set up a national cybercoordination centre (NCCC) with a separate budget of Rs 1,000 crore. The coordination centre is still awaiting Cabinet clearance. “Allocation is woefully inadequate given Snowden’s revelations we need at least 10 times that amount,” said Sunil Abraham, executive director at Center for Internet and Society.

According to the Computer Emergency Response Team-India (CERT-In), reported attacks on Indian websites have increased nearly five times in the past four years. Until mid-2014, CERT-In recorded more than 60,000 incidents. Cybersecurity of government infrastructure faces multiple issues. It needs better hardware and software audits and implementation of proposed projects.

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