From: GCN

By Troy K. Schneider

At the recent National Association of State CIOs conference in Salt Lake City, Colorado Secretary of Technology and CIO Suma Nallapati spoke with GCN Editor-in-Chief Troy K. Schneider about her state’s efforts to weave better IT into every citizen interaction — and to convince IT talent that government work is worth exploring. The answers below have been edited for length and clarity.

What’s the focal point for your team right now?  What should we be looking for from Colorado?

Nallapati:   The biggest thing is we want to enhance citizens’ experience at every single digital touch point. That’s a broad statement, and it means a lot of stuff. It’s making sure that we have that differential impact every time a citizen interacts with government. Through technology, we want to enable that and orchestrate effective, efficient delivery of common services.

Is most of that plugging into and upgrading existing systems, or is there a lot of entirely new functionality being created?

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