From: myRepublica

Narayan Koirala is an Information Security Practitioner/Information Systems Auditor, Cofounder/ Director at Eminence Ways.


In your opinion, what are the areas that Nepal still needs to work on?

First, we need to increase awareness about information security among organizations as well as users. Next, we need to have proper, applicable Information Security Policies to start with, on a national level. Regulatory bodies need to impose and monitor any violation of such policies. Then, we need proper planning for IT security in organizations along with proper human resource to manage it.

If you have to name one thing. What would you say that you have learned so far?

Patience. There will always be ups and downs in life. What we can do is to keep ourselves prepared for overwhelming situations. Security is a gradual process. So, we need to inform people and organizations in a timely fashion about the consequences of digital security breaches. I am pretty sure a time will come when people and organizations like us will be remembered before the start and during software implementation.

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