Archive for April, 2012

Agencies Respond to NAS/NRC Questions

The National Academy of Sciences’ National Research Council is reviewing ecological risk   assessments for pesticides under FIFRA and the Endangered Species Act.  This review is being conducted at the request of EPA, NOAA/National Marine Fisheries Service, the Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Department of Agriculture.   EPA, NMFS and FWS do not always agree on data and analyses during their Section 7 consultations.  These consultations are sometimes required by the ESA when EPA is performing pesticide registrations under FIFRA. The three agencies have responded to questions asked them by the NAS/NRC review panel. These questions relate to the agencies’ disagreements over data and analyses.   

PPDC Meets on May 3-4

The Pesticide Program Dialogue Committee (PPDC) is scheduled for May 3–4, 2012. Four PPDC Workgroup meetings are also scheduled for May 2, 2012: Integrated Pest Management, Comparative Safety Statements, Public Health, and Pollinator Protection. The PPDC 21st Century Toxicology Workgroup is scheduled to meet on May 3, 2012. All meetings are free, open to the public, and no advance registration is required. The PPDC and Workgroup meetings will be held at EPA’s location at 1 Potomac Yard South, 2777 South Crystal Drive, Arlington, VA.  A draft agenda is available at

● Click here to read Federal Register notice of meeting

California Court Allows CropLife Intervention in Red-Legged Frog Case

In an order dated March 22, 2012, the United States District Court for the Northern District of California granted CropLife America full intervention as of right in all aspects of a case brought by the Center for Biological Diversity.  This case presents Endangered Species Act-based challenges to pesticide registrations: Center for Biological Diversity v. U.S. Fish & Wildlife, No. C 11-05108 JSW (N.D.Cal.). The NGOs in this case challenge the alleged failure of defendants Environmental Protection Agency and United States Fish and Wildlife Service to timely complete the consultation process under Section 7(a)(2) of the ESA with regard to impacts on the California red-legged frog from sixty-four pesticides that are subject to the terms of the Court’s prior Injunction and Order. The court granted intervention because it held that the Federal Government defendants only represented the public interest, and not the private commercial interests represented by the pesticide trade association CropLife.

FWS Sends EPA a Negative Final Biological Opinion for Rozol

In a document dated April 9, 2012, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service sent EPA a final Endangered Species Act biological opinion for the proposed use of Rozol Prairie Dog Bait. Rozol is registered under FIFRA. This FWS BiOp states, “The current Rozol label and registration requirements are inadequate for addressing Migratory Bird Treaty Act and Golden Eagle Protection Act  bird deaths that have previously from Rozol use and that are expected to continue under the proposed action.”

● Click here to read FWS’ Rozol biological opinion

SFIREG Committee Meets in May

The Association of American Pesticide Control Officials State FIFRA Issues Research and Evaluation Group, Pesticides Operations and Management Working Committee will hold a 2-day meeting, beginning on May 30, 2012 and ending May 31, 2012. The meeting will be held at EPA Region Five Metcalf Office Building, 12th Floor, 77 West Jackson Blvd., in Chicago, Illinois. The agenda will include EPA expectations of State Lead Agencies and Regions in pesticide cooperative agreement negotiations, and EPA’s Revised Rodenticide Risk Mitigation Decision for Professional Use Rodenticides. The meeting is open to the public, and there will be an opportunity for public comment.

EPA Seeks Comment on New NMFS BiOp

EPA is seeking comments by April 30, 2012, on draft Reasonable and Prudent Measures and Alternatives included in a draft Biological Opinion received from the National Marine Fisheries Service. This draft Biological Opinion addresses the potential effects from three pesticides on Pacific salmon and steelhead listed as endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species Act. The three pesticides are: oryzalin, pendimethalin, and trifluralin.

● Click here for EPA’s website on this NMFS BiOp, which includes a link to the BiOp itself