Archive for December, 2012

EPA Seeks Comment on Proposed Pesticide Label Changes

EPA has published Federal Register notice seeking public comment on a draft Pesticide Registration Notice.  This draft PR Notice describes appropriate label language for fungicides and fungistats, and for products used for mold remediation, on nonporous and porous surfaces, for residual activity, for mold prevention, and in heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration systems. These recommended label changes are designed to improve protection of public health through proper use of mold-related pesticides. Comments on this draft PR Notice must be received on or before February 11, 2013.

  • Click here to read EPA’s Federal Register notice

EPA Files Motion to Dismiss ESA Pesticides Mega-Suit

Environmental NGOs are suing EPA, basically asking a California federal district court to take over EPA’s pesticide program because EPA allegedly failed to meet all its ESA consultation  obligations under the Endangered Species Act. EPA has filed a motion to dismiss the plaintiffs’ complaint in the case for the following reasons:

●The Plaintiffs have not stated a viable Failure-To-Consult Claim for any of the 382 pesticides catalogued In the Complaint;

● By failing to Identify any allegedly unlawful FIFRA actions, Plaintiffs cannot establish Subject Matter Jurisdiction;

 ● Any challenge To FIFRA actions taken more than six years before the Complaint was filed is time barred; and

EPA Publishes EDSP List of Chemicals

EPA has published a long list of chemicals from which the Agency will select chemicals to be tested in the Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program.  Inclusion on this list does not mean that a chemical necessarily will be tested. This list of chemicals states:

This document was developed by the EPA to provide guidance to staff and managers regarding the universe of chemicals for potential endocrine disruptor screening and testing. This document does not create or confer legal rights or impose any legally binding requirements on the EPA or any other party. This document is distributed solely for the purpose of sharing this information with the public, consistent with the EPA transparency objectives. It is not intended to serve any other purpose, and should not be construed to represent formal dissemination of any agency determination or policy. As such, the information correction process under the agency’s Information Quality Guidelines does not apply to this document.