Archive for July, 2013

Enviros Amend Complaint in ESA Pesticides Mega Case

In San Francisco federal district court litigation, environmentalists have filed an amended complaint in response to a court ruling that their original complaint against EPA was too broad.  Their amended complaint challenges EPA’s approval of more than 50 active pesticide ingredients, a decrease from the almost 300 challenged by their original complaint..

This case, Center for Biological Diversity v. EPA, claims that EPA has failed adequately to consult with NMFS and FWS under section 7 of the Endangered Species Act when EPA granted FIFRA registration to the pesticides identified in the amended complaint.

NAS/NRC Meets Publicly on EPA’s NMDR Paper

The National Research Council, of the National Academy of Sciences, is reviewing EPA’s draft paper State of the Science on Nonmonotonic Dose Response. The NAS/NRC committee charged with this task will hold its first meeting on July 23, 2013 – July 24, 2013, at the National Academy of Sciences Building, 2100 C St. NW, Washington D.C. The public session of this meeting will begin on July 23, at 12:45 pm. For more information, contact Craig Phillip, Email:; Phone: 202/334-1942.