Archive for November, 2013

Journal Withdraws Controversial GMO Corn Study

Food and Chemical Toxicology, which last year published a controversial rat study by Gilles-Éric Séralini that claimed to show that genetically modified corn could lead to a high incidence of cancer, has sent the French scientist a letter saying that the paper will be withdrawn if he does not agree to do it voluntarily.

EPA Discusses ESA Issues at SFIREG Meeting

On October 21-22, 2013, the State FIFRA Issues Research and Evaluation Group’s Environmental Quality Issues Working Committee met at EPA’s offices in Arlington, Virginia.  On October 22, EPA representatives briefed the committee on the current status of three ESA pesticides issues:

1) Lawsuits and Court Decisions;

2) National Academy of Sciences Report; and

3) Request for Species Location Information.

Click here for EPA’s power point presentation.




A Move from Regulation to Cooperation under The Endangered Species Act

 CRE Staff

 Two federal agencies have reached a historic agreement to provide landowners with a mechanism to keep working lands in production while complying with the Endangered Species Act (ESA), and will facilitate restoration of habitat for at-risk species. It also will help farmers, ranchers and forest landowners rest a little easier knowing their operations are protected for the long term and that they are contributing to conserving vital natural resources.”