Archive for March, 2014

EPA’s Pesticide Screening Methodology for Human Health

EPA has published several draft guidance documents for public comment. These  documents detail EPA’s approach in developing a pesticide volatilization screening methodology for human health. Once final, these guidance documents will be posted on EPA’s Web site, to promote consistent risk assessment practices and provide transparency for pesticide registrants and other interested stakeholders. EPA must receive any comments on these documents on or before May 27, 2014.  Click here to read EPA’s Federal Register notice seeking public comment on these guidance documents.

EPA Proposes New Measures for Farm Workers Pesticide Exposure

EPA has proposed revisions to the Agency’s  pesticide exposure Worker Protection Standard. EPA’s has proposed changes in worker training regarding the safe usage of pesticides, including how to prevent and effectively treat pesticide exposure. EPA’s proposed changes also cover workers and others near treated fields. In addition, EPA has proposed that children under 16 be legally barred from handling all pesticides, with an exemption for family farms. Click here for more information on the EPA’s Proposed Worker Protection Standard.