Archive for July, 2014

CRE Comments on EPA’s Proposed Worker Protection Standards for Pesticides

On July 28, 2014, the Center for Regulatory Effectiveness filed comments on EPA’s proposed Worker Protection Standards for pesticides.  CRE’s comments included the following Executive Summary:

“EPA repeatedly states that reduction of human chronic disease from pesticide exposure is one of the primary WPS benefits.  Yet even EPA admits there is no record showing that pesticide exposure as currently regulated causes chronic disease.

EPA also repeatedly states that there is an association between chronic human disease and ‘generalized’ pesticide exposure. The WPS’ blanket indictment of all pesticide exposure is irreconcilable with EPA’s conclusions during FIFRA registrations that individual pesticides do not pose any significant risk of human chronic disease.

FWS and NMFS Interpret Important ESA Terms

The United States Fish and Wildlife Service and the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service have jointly published their interpretation of the phrase ‘‘significant portion of its range’’ in the Endangered Species Act’s definitions of ‘‘endangered species’’ and ‘‘threatened species.’’ The purpose of the Services’ final policy is to provide a consistent standard for interpretation of the phrase and its role in ESA listing determinations. This policy is effective on July 31, 2014.  This policy is available at .