Archive for January, 2015

EPA Requests Comment on Proposed Draft Toxicity Testing Plan

EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs has publicly released its proposed draft “Process for Establishing & Implementing Alternative Approaches To Traditional In Vivo Acute Toxicity Studies.” EPA will take comment on this proposed draft plan through March 10, 2015.

If and when the plan or some revised version of it becomes final, EPA intends to use it to evaluate and adopt new types of cellular, computational and other non-animal toxicity tests in its pesticide registration reviews. This could help EPA reduce the agency’s reliance on animal studies.

Click here for EPA’s draft proposed plan.

EPA Opposes ENGOs’ Petition for Writ of Mandamus in Chlorpyrifos Case

EPA has responded in opposition to the ENGOs’ petition for mandamus in the pesticide case Pesticide Action Network North America and NRDC v. EPA (9th circuit, No. 14-72794).  EPA’s brief summarizes the case and the Agency’s response as follows: