Archive for April, 2016

EPA ESA Pesticides Webinar

At, EPA posted the following alert about an ESA pesticide webinar:

“On May 5, 2016, from 1:00 to 3:00 PM Eastern Time, EPA will hold an online technical briefing on the first-ever draft biological evaluations analyzing the nationwide effects of chlorpyrifos, diazinon and malathion on endangered and threatened species and designated critical habitat. Register for the webinar at

EPA Takes Steps to Reduce Animal Testing

EPA has released a new guidance document, “Process for Establishing & Implementing Alternative Approaches to Traditional in Vivo Acute Toxicity Studies” to expand the use of alternative methods for acute toxicity testing. The guidance describes a process for evaluating and implementing alternative testing methods (not using live animals) for acute oral, dermal and inhalation toxicity, along with skin and eye irritation and skin sensitization. EPA has incorporated comments from stakeholders, other regulatory organizations, and the scientific community. The agency’s response to public comments is included in docket EPA-HQ-OPP-2016-0093.