Archive for November, 2019

EPA’s “Regulatory Update on the Registration Review of Atrazine”

EPA sent a “Memorandum to the File” with the above-quoted title and dated October 22, 2019. This memo has been posted in the atrazine FIFRA registration review docket. According to the “Overview” in EPA’s memorandum:

“The purpose of this memorandum is to articulate EPA’s risk management approach for aquatic plant communities and anticipated timeline for completion of registration review for atrazine. While atrazine’s registration review is currently ongoing, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA or the agency) has received over 100,000 public comments on the atrazine draft risk assessments, some concerns, and several inquiries related to registration review status and the level of regulation for aquatic plants. This memorandum provides additional context regarding EPA’s proposed regulatory levels for aquatic plants for atrazine, and memorializes EPA’s decision to use the concentration of 15 µg/L as a 60-day average for the purposes of determining the need for any potential mitigation to protect aquatic plant communities during Registration Review.”

Settlement Agreement on Pesticide Effects Determinations

On October 22, 2019, a United States district court entered a stipulated partial settlement agreement among EPA, several environmental groups, and several agriculture parties regarding EPA’s Biological Effects review and assessment for several pesticides. Under the agreement, EPA agrees to complete assessments of four pesticides by 2021. Assessments of four rodenticides must be finalized in 2024. Click here to read the entire agreement.