Steve Bradbury is Director, EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs. On May 3, 2011, Mr. Bradbury testified about ESA issues before House Committee on Natural Resources and the House Committee on Agriculture. Mr. Bradbury told congress that “[i]n EPA’s view, a more efficient and effective consultation process should include the following attributes:

The FIFRA risk assessment process and the development of Biological Opinions would rely on best available information and peer-reviewed scientific procedures and models would be developed to evaluate and estimate the potential effects on listed species resulting from the use of a pesticide and to determine what measures would provide adequate protections;

The risk assessment, consultation, and risk management processes is transparent and provide meaningful opportunities for public participation so that the public understands the basis for proposed and final actions and can provide information to help improve risk assessments and risk management decisions;

The risk management process would employ risk mitigation measures that are adequate to protect listed species, and are tailored to specific uses and applicable to specific geographic areas based on species location and biological information to minimize the burdens on pesticide users. Risk mitigation measures necessary for the protection of listed species would be reasonable and clearly communicated to pesticide users; and

In order to make the best use of agencies’ and stakeholders’ resources, and to provide protections where and when needed, the risk assessment, consultation, and risk management processes operate in a consistent, efficient, and timely fashion.”

 Mr. Bradbury’s entire testimony to Congress may be found here.