Editor’s Note: EPA distributed the following Pesticide Program Update–


“EPA Seeks Nominations for the Pesticide Program Dialogue Committee

EPA is accepting nominations for membership on the Pesticide Program Dialogue Committee (PPDC). Established in 1995, the PPDC is a diverse group of stakeholders chartered under the Federal Advisory Committee Act to provide feedback to EPA on various pesticide regulatory, policy, and program implementation issues.

To maintain a broad representation of members for the PPDC, nominees will be selected from among the following:

  • Federal, state, local and tribal governments;
  • Pesticide industry and trade associations;
  • Pesticide users;
  • Grower and commodity groups;
  • Environmental and public interest groups;
  • Farm worker organizations;
  • Public health organizations;
  • Animal welfare groups; and

Nominations must be emailed or postmarked no later than June 27, 2019, and can be submitted by email to the Designated Federal Official (DFO) listed below with the subject line “PPDC Membership” or by mail to:

Shannon Jewell

PPDC Designated Federal Officer

Office of Pesticide Programs

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW (7501P)

Washington, DC 20460

For additional information, read the Federal Register notice on nominations for the PPDC or contact the DFO, Shannon Jewell, at (703) 347-0109 or jewell.shannon@epa.gov.

Learn more about the PPDC at https://www.epa.gov/pesticide-advisory-committees-and-regulatory-partners/pesticide-program-dialogue-committee-ppdc.”