The Western Farm Press has sounded the alarm about the potential impact of pesticide Endangered Species Act litigation. An August 15, 2011, post states in part:

“In January, the Center for Biological Diversity and the Pesticide Action Network (Plaintiffs) filed a complaint for declaratory and injunctive relief against EPA, alleging that EPA had failed to consult with the Fish and Wildlife Service and the National    Marine Fisheries Service regarding the effects of registered pesticides on endangered species throughout the United States. The plaintiffs asked the court to require EPA to initiate and complete the consultation process, and to compel EPA to restrict pesticide uses that may result in their entering endangered species’ occupied or critical habitat until the consultation process is complete (see April 1, 2011 Cotton’s Week).

There are more than 300 pesticides named in the suit, many of which are commonly used in cotton production (including Orthene, Finish, Karate Z, Bidrin, Cotoran, Imidacloprid, Lannate, Dual II Magnum, Diamond, Gramoxone, Caparol and Dropp — to name a few). The complaint alleges that 216 endangered species are affected. This action could potentially disrupt every type of agriculture – from row crops to specialty crops – nationwide.”

Click here to read Farm Press post