The Association of American Pesticide Control Officials/State FIFRA Issues Research and Evaluation Group (SFIREG), Environmental Quality Issues (EQI) Working Committee will hold a 2-day meeting, beginning on October 17, 2011 and ending October 18, 2011. The meeting will be held on Monday, October 17, 2011 from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon on Tuesday October 18, 2011. The meeting will be held at EPA, One Potomac Yard (South Bldg.) 2777 Crystal Dr., Arlington VA, 1st Floor South Conference Room.

The meeting agenda includes the following topics:

 “1. Endangered Species Act-‘the services” on their process and expectations.
2. How EPA and states process responses to biological opinions.
3. Chesapeake Bay and Pesticides–implications for other areas.

4. Aquatic Life Benchmarks Letter–EPA response and Working Committee discussion.

5. National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) update.

6. Imprelis update.

7. Contaminant Candidate List (CCL) selections and data input–use of the Pesticides of Interest Tracking System (POINTS) data?

8. State Lead Agency priorities.

9. Nanotechnology and pesticides.”

Click here to read Federal Register notice of meeting