The Pesticide Program Dialogue Committee will hold a public meeting on October 12-13, 2011. A draft agenda will be posted by September 26, 2011, at

Four PPDC workgroup meetings are also scheduled for October 11, 2011: Integrated Pest Management, Comparative Safety Statements, Pollinator Protection, and the 21st Century Toxicology/Integrated Testing Strategies Workgroup’s Workshop on Diagnostic Tools and Biomarkers in Pesticide Medical Management, Exposure Surveillance, and Epidemiologic

Research. The PPDC Public Health Work Group is planning to meet on October 13, 2011, following the PPDC meeting.

The PPDC and Workgroup meetings will be held at EPA’s location at 1 Potomac Yard South, 2777 S. Crystal Drive, Arlington, VA. The PPDC meeting will be held in the lobby-level Conference Center, as will the 21st Century Toxicology/Integrated Testing Strategies Workgroup’s Workshop. The Integrated Pest Management and Pollinator Protection Workgroup meetings will be held in room S-4370, and the Comparative Safety Statements Workgroup meeting will be held in room N-4830. The Public Health Workgroup meeting will be held in room N-4830.