Many companies have already submitted their test results in response to EPA’s test orders under Tier 1 of the Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program.  These companies now await EPA’s decision whether they have to conduct additional Tier 2 EDSP tests.  EPA representatives spoke at the Pesticide Program Dialogue Committee Meeting on May 3, 2012. They were repeatedly asked by PPDC members when EPA would decide which companies have to perform Tier 2 tests. The EPA representatives would not give a date for this decision.  They also said that a decision on Tier 2 tests would be made on the “weight of the evidence,” and not just Tier 1 test results.  They did, however, state that EPA will assume a product is not an endocrine disruptor if it does not test positive for endocrine disruption on Tier 1 tests. 

● Click here for EPA’s written presentation at the PPDC Meeting