The State-FIFRA Issues Research and Evaluation Group is a network of state officials interested in Federal/State “co-regulation” of pesticides under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act. It was established by the Association of American Pesticide Control Officials with financial support from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.  As part of its cooperative agreement with AAPCO, EPA is substantially involved in SFIREG.

SFIREG’s Environmental Quality Issues working committee and SFIREG’s Pesticide Operations & Management working committee are each currently comprised of 10 state representatives, in addition to the Chair.

The SFIREG EQI Committee will next meet at EPA Potomac Yards, Arlington VA, on May 20-21, 2013.

The SFIREG POM Committee will next meet at EPA Potomac Yards, Arlington VA, on April 22-23.