The NGO Plaintiffs have a filed a brief opposing the Industry Motion for another amended complaint in pesticides litigation in San Francisco federal district court. The Plaintiffs summarize their opposition as follows:

“In their motion, CropLife repeatedly mischaracterizes the Amended Complaint, which identifies specific affirmative agency actions for every failure to consult claim, as well as specific triggers for every reinitiation claim. CropLife’s motion emphasizes legal issues, such as jurisdiction, that should instead be raised in a motion to dismiss or otherwise resolved on the merits, and their arguments demonstrate that they have notice of the claims against them and can prepare a response to the Amended Complaint. CropLife demands details that are not appropriately sought through a motion for more definite statement and are not required at the pleading stage, such as identification of specific documents backing the facts alleged. For all these reasons, as further discussed below, Plaintiffs ask the Court to deny the motion.”

Click here to read Plaintiffs brief in opposition.