The Center for Regulatory Effectiveness commented at EPA’s recent Science Advisory Panel reviewing certain questions about the use of RNAi in pesticides.  CRE’s comments made the following and other points.

First, EPA’s current methods for GM pesticide risk assessments are sufficiently broad and flexible to determine the safety of pesticides or crops developed using RNAi techniques. Consequently, EPA does not need to develop new guidance on how to assess RNAi pesticides.

Second, EPA should not rely on Heinemann et al (2013) or on Zhang et al (2012) because they do not meet Information Quality Act (“IQA”) standards.

The Heinneman article is rebutted by Response to Heinemann et al on the regulation of GM crops and foods developed using gene silencing RNAi Technology (May 2013), Food Standards Australia and New Zealand.

The Zhang article is demonstrated to be inaccurate, unreliable and not reproducible by comments submitted to this SAP by S. Chan, Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

Click here to read CRE’s comments.