Environmental Assessment of Marine Vibroseis – Final Report now available

The final report,Environmental Assessment of Marine Vibroseis (EA Marine Vibroseis), is now available. This document will be useful to industry members, government agencies, and other stakeholders, by providing a desktop study of the current understanding of marine vibroseis technology and its potential environmental impacts. 
The EA Marine Vibroseis project was funded by the E&P Sound and Marine Life Joint Industry Program (JIP). As the title of the document indicates, the purpose of the document is to evaluate the potential environmental impacts from surveys using next-generation marine vibroseis as the energy source, examine how those impacts would compare to impacts from airguns, and evaluate how a marine vibroseis system could be operated so as to minimize impact. In addition, the EA Marine Vibroseis evaluates mitigation measures that might be used during marine vibroseis operations and provides comments regarding key data gaps that limit the ability to currently predict the effects of the technology. The document is available on the JIP website.