The U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service has received multiple requests for authorization under the Marine Mammal Protection Act to take marine mammals incidental to conducting geophysical survey activity in the Atlantic Ocean. NMFS requests and invites information, suggestions, and comments on the applications. Comments and information must be received no later than August 28, 2015.
The take authorization applications include an application from Spectrum Geo Inc., followed by revised versions on November 25, 2014, May 14, 2015, and July 6, 2015; an application from TGS–NOPEC Geophysical Company on August 25, 2014, followed by revised versions on November 17, 2014, and July 21, 2015; an application from ION GeoVentures on September 5, 2014, followed by a revised version on June 24, 2015; and an application from TDI-Brooks International, Inc. on October 22, 2014.